Woman who calls herself a witch (sticky carrots)

It’s literary the title of the 2014 article of local newspaper about 81 year old “dignitary”, talking about her life, public service, career, etc.. They say she died couple years later. So whatever that word means to her it’s probably something important “setting” her apart from normal people. The reason I’m mentioning her is because I had a chance to meet her on a more than few occasions even though we have never been formally or informally introduced. She never took time to talk to me or interact with me. She acted towards me as if i’m something obvious – “product” coming from my “family”. And for me she didn’t look like a witch, on the contrary she seemed like no nonsense lady, logical, rational, etc. at least in comparison to the madness what i’m used in “my” own household. She entered into or appeared in “our” life out of the blue. It was still soviet times and somehow my “parents” got allocated some land in Rusne, so they could grow some potatoes for their big family. The lady in question worked as agronomer. So as I understood she would give portion of her personal land to my parents, share with them everything – seed potatoes, equipment, tools, etc.. Her land lot was right next to Rusne cemetery. And they way they plant or harvest potatoes it’s lots of people. It’s not an entire days work. Few hours, half day, etc.. But as far as my “parents” go they would take part in such endeavors without goal or purpose of their own, as if it’s a chore that they are subjected. No they wouldn’t “resist”, “object” or anything, it’s just absence of meaning on their part about anything wouldn’t make it rational. It’s not their choice even though they might make it sound as if it’s something “good” by repeating words told them or ideas overheard expressed by others. Thats what I don’t understand about it. So you as part of the “family” have to do it, not because it’s something that should make sense. Yes you get to know something, get to see something, but only once you get there, everything is “surprise”, it doesn’t change anything where in the end you’re just used as muscle power. When I came from USA in 2005, short time later she or whoever decided it would be good idea for us to grow some carrots. So she allocated some land near that cemetery and I by using offers I can’t refuse I had to pick out seeds, plant, thin out, weed out, fertilize, etc.. But it’s 10 km away from home. I had to drive there. It’s just few times I had to tend them. Carrots ended up beautiful, big, perfectly shaped, juicy, etc.. In the fall we harvested like 12 big bags of them. I guess half of ton or something like that. I think she took one bag to herself or my stingy “father” gave her only one. I tried to talk to him about using the carrots for something, selling, giving to someone who might need it, etc. The rest of the carrots he said he “preserved” by digging them into the ground and covering with peat. They all rotted. So what was the point of such carrot which is no different from the stick if carrot is used for sticking it into your behind?

It’s just example about some sort of strange imprisonment dilemma, if you’re incarcerated by authority that supposed to be “equal” to you – you are expected to cooperate no matter what as authority is imprisoned by having to police you in such way that you wouldn’t be able to figure it out. You’re expected to cooperate with what makes sense to you, thats how they “roll”, that is how they gather evidence, making case against you. Even though if it’s equality regime it means such society is expected to operate based on idea about three wise monkeys where everyone is cooperating based on “needs” and “abilities” of each other. Everyone has some sort of “disability” even if it’s kingdom of the blind the one eyed is not a king, but his “supernatural” ability serves as their Achilles heel. There shouldn’t be not a slightest idea about exploitation or so called “one eyed kings” such as current state of affairs around the world, starting with my so called “mother”, neighborhood, town, country, nation, EU, UN, etc.. It’s about achieving conviction which is doublethink word where prisoner expected to believe that they are guilty, insane, crazy, addicted, pervert, etc.. That their imprisonment in lower caste, rank, class, etc is justified. If authority is detaining you without proof, without evidence for crimes they suspect you’d committed it means the authority itself is criminal who are imprisoned along side with you by this dilemma hanging like a sword of Damocles over their head. Of course if sword is virtual, illusionary, etc such absolute power corrupts absolutely.  It’s reversed. It doesn’t really matter, its like the “cooperation” where they use animals to predict outcome of sporting events, weather, earthquakes, groundhog day, etc.., only I’m trapped not in a time loop where you get to keep your memory for making sense of effects and causes of deeds, allowing to figure “your” place in the “time”, but inverted time where environment of timed loops and nooses of evil are ticking against you and they get to keep the memory. You wake up everyday to the same day, but everyone else advances against you further in time, leaving you behind. The way to survive the “loop” is to be smaller than the hole, it’s no country for old men, always been like that for me as long as I remember. You’re treated like a hog, like a pig in a society where such entity is unclean animal it contradicts their faith eg islam, judaism, etc.. It’s not about actual pigs body as the particle, but the hogging of the waves. You’re always grounded, dirty, etc. It’s about ignorance of “knowledge” for perceiving and interpreting your social environment. But at the same time even if you shrink yourself to the size of poppy seed you’re still expected to look the part and perform as everyone else eg you’re adult once you get GED or celebrate your 18th birthday even though you have nothing and know nothing that would allow you to be adult like “the” rest where your contradicting “being” and behavior is not fair to the rest who are “normal”, not invisible men, like poppy seeds.

It’s about the twilight zone where you start realizing that you’re somehow not roman, but castaway trapped in Rome. As if you’re disabled in comparison to the rest of your “peers”, meaning part of your “being”, sense, feeling, etc aka you’re dead in some sort of way. So for starters such realization is something that already makes you “disabled” as if you really were “able bodied” and “able minded” you wouldn’t have made such mistake indicative of distorted thinking. The “natural” way of comprehension of such problem is for the mind to assume that it’s about ignorance, it’s about knowledge that is kept secret from them and trying somehow to compensate, as if you’re kept out of the loop and you are trying to get in. As if you’re being kicked by others because someone attached piece of paper to your back that has written “kick me”. So you try to “figure” ways to raise yourself from the dead, resurrect the “dead” part of you and enter the gates of “Jerusalem”. It’s about the mind that “thinks” and perceives the society in terms of methods, objects, etc.. in a way they’ve been thought to understand everything where you’re expected to behave according to laws and norms, but making mistake going overboard and assume the role of “robot”, “machine”,  a slave, etc.. So they are “disabled” in some sort of way due to nature of the “nurture” by the nurture or environment where they raise you as if you’re dead. It’s the narrative about Pinocchio and futile attempts not be a marionette trying to become a real boy. Think of the movie “Ghost” where Patrick Swayze character once “dead” wasn’t able to harm the fly. Thats what it is. The parents are not teaching such children anything except that child is ignorant just because they believe they are “children”. They succumbed into such caste by misunderstanding and accepting the role of the word. It’s a cuckoo nest and they are not exactly your parents, they are your overgrown “siblings” that are already throwing you out of “their” nest. Your constant attempts at “second” coming is expected as opportunity for exploitation as well to make you feel “triumphant”, raise you up like Icarus and crash you down. It’s comparable to “bright” ideas of mental patient committed in asylum who would try to walk into the “rome” through the gates and be one of the “romans” by acting like one. But that is example from “dumb and dumber” type narratives. The “higher” society is very organized and keeps itself busy, some bum can’t just enter it even if winning jackpot in lottery, even indulging in perks of doing nothing is something complicated. Think of “trading places”. Similar story with going down towards “lower” tier. Notice how they used Santa symbol for depiction wolves in sheep clothing, dangerous not only to the children even with all that higher education, manners, knowledge, etc.. Beware of Greek life bearing gifts.

None of the people my “family” interacted with made sense if judging them according to their described roles – eg friends, relatives, neighbors, buddies, etc. unless you think of them as actors performing roles or parts as part of the script, cover or cover story. As if they are relatives in a way monks and nuns in a monastery who are referring to each other as brother and sister with a common father flying high above your head. They never really socialized with anyone. It’s very disorienting to be the unwitting audience, it’s not exactly immersive experience, more like submersible.

About the same time I found out that she is also theater director, staging plays. I overheard her talking to my mother about upcoming premier, I expressed my support and surprise, etc but she didn’t really gave much importance to it. It’s just something that she does as part of her duties whatever they are. She wasn’t stressing it more like peeling potatoes. Thats how it’s “obvious” to her. She didn’t invite me into her premier. She already moved into the basement of her house. My parents would try to gossip and portray as if her ungrateful kids and daughter in law threw her out of her own house, but she was rational human being, very practical, etc..

What was interesting later that bugged me for a long time when maybe she did invite me to one of her plays. I remember me and “father” was at one of his bee-gardens and he for some reason had to go to her house in Rusne. He didn’t tell me why. It’s about madness of environment where goals and purpose is important commodity. Maybe it’s arranged in such way that he doesn’t know himself so if you ask him you would be putting him in a spot trying to fullfill your not careful wishes. Once we got there what I assume as her son “Rimas” is all drunk, doing something with his motorcycle that i think looks like sports or dirt bike. I don’t know him more than gossip and talk by “mother” who would be using his name. It was the first time I saw him. For some reason while I was in USA he did some work renovating kitchen at our apartment, installed washing machine in a weird way, helped my “father” tuning his automobile, my “mother” mentioned that he half seriously half jokingly would say that he is going to live in “our” apartment. It’s as if he is a relative or family or something. They all act like that. So it’s already twilight or dark time and my “father” is talking something to that “witch” lady, but her son comes to me near behind and start for no reason insulting me, calling me names, etc.. I turned around lashed at him verbally, it was emotional outburst, but I also came very close to his face trying to see him. He didn’t look drunk or maybe he sobered up, he didn’t say anything, not even a singe word, he didn’t deny or confirm anything by trying to defend his “side” of the story. You know when I think back maybe the performance didn’t go as “planned” if they just wanted to create some sort of illusion.  But there was no physical contact or violence or anything like that. His wife came as if apologetic for her “husband”, but nobody said anything.

Next time I crossed paths with him was when I got stuck with my car in the sandy patch of road near Naikupe about one mile from Pakalne village. I realized that I will not be able to get out by myself, so I went by foot to find some help. I tried looking into few fancy homesteads, but nobody was home, in one I almost got attacked by huge dogs, so I go across the bridge and there is a barn on the left side of the road. I look inside and it’s this Rimas guy with some other guy fixing a lawnmower. I recognized him, he recognized me. So I asked for help, they took a short one mile drive in their I think ford escort and they pulled me out, but he asked me for reward. I don’t want to be indebted even though helping someone in need is already a reward, the other things is just bonus, but he clearly was playing some sort of games as if trying to take advantage of the situation and the “fool” that just fell into his lap once again. He started telling me that he wants beer and not just any kind of beer, the expensive, with some sort of foil wrappers, etc.. I think he wanted 12 beers of something. So I drove to Rusnė, bought them 4 or 6 beers. When I came back and gave it to him, he wanted something else. But I said thanks and goodbye and left. Few years later they said he was swimming in some lake with friends and drowned, because his heart stopped or something like that.

What was particularly strange when this witch lady has two daughters and one of them lives in USA or something like that. I’ve never met them. Have no idea how they look like. I only know that my “parents” talk about one of them that she came to Lithuania to sell some high priced apartment or real estate in Palanga. Getting couple millions or something. So I guess she would come from time to time from USA to Lithuania. So the strange part was that every time before her leave back to USA my “father” would come to me and ask if I by any chance would like to go and talk to her as if he was asked to do so and as if it’s something I should know about. I tried to “reverse engineer” in my mind the possible purpose and goal of such inquiry, I was stumped to no avail. I tried to confronting my “father” what does he possibly mean by it, how come he doesn’t understand that he looks stupid conveying such information to me, etc.. He would just play dumb and ignorant. It’s feels so out of the place as if it’s a task he is performing, like a GTA mission. Hey maybe it’s a good idea to talk to some strangers about america. While in America I learned that Americans value their time. It’s something reversed and inverted to make me look stupid, but it is also some sort of “bait”, marking something in some sort of systems of “knowledge” related to “intelligence” or absence of it. It’s as if i’m part of something that they are doing and if I “magically” knew about the witchcraft I would be in tune and aware, but now they are just verifying that it’s fair and square.

Article doesn’t mention anything about witch’s husband even though she is sporting the married woman’s surname. Her maiden name seems Lithuanian, so is the husband name, but her daughters have Russian names, pointing to other husbands or adoption, etc.. My “mother” used her as “muppet” in many of her plays where she performed scenes of jealousy, implying that my “father” is cheating with her as if she is his lover. While such performances are unfounded and baseless they are not exactly pointless if they are performed with intention designed to inflict emotional distress, injure, etc.. But once again this witch also a proof already a missing link that it’s something that has been going on since soviet times.

newspaper edition containing the article

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