Fighting suicide with suicide (suicidology)

A man falls to his death from the World Trade Center after two planes hit the twin towers September 11, 2001 in New York City in an terrorist attack. (Photo by Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images)

Something interesting caught my attention about the suicide I wrote few months ago, where dead wife of highly placed local politician was found in the forest, implying she killed herself. The new details that puts it in perspective at least for me – the husband was member of local chapter of Rotory International that was taking part in local – nationwide – global suicide prevention program. In Lithuania it was called with a very strange name “Supreme Aim” which stands for “Suicide prevention model and its application in the municipalities of Lithuania”. Think about 9/11 jumpers. For some reason of the 2,996 total 9/11 deaths (including the terrorists), none of WTC deaths were classified as suicide even though some of them obviously performed suicide, wikipedia estimates between 100-200 people jumped to their deaths. That is only how it looks. It is very possible they didn’t kill themselves they were only instinctively retreating away from fire, “saving” their bodies from fire, how do you know that you can’t fly unless you try it.. There were more chances to survive by falling 100 stories down than cooking in fire so hot it melted steel. Terrorist deaths they classified as murder-suicide. If suicide is just technicality, bureaucracy related to record keeping in log houses that perform logging of logging, then all you need to reduce number of suicides is to use different word, prefix, affix, suffix, etc.. Maybe WTC jumpers were the ones who were used as murder-suicide placeholders in the official narrative so it stays true to the “facts”.

Why suicide is a great option for fighting suicides? For example the risk of suicide has become zero for this particular woman who allegedly killed herself. The suicide solved potential suicide problem once and for all. I used word “allegedly” because i’ve never seen her alive, didn’t see her stiff body, never shook her cold dead hands, I have no idea about anything. It’s just a story from fake news.

Roughly speaking in the years of “revival” (atgimimas) and independence there were about 40.000 officially recognized suicides in Lithuania. It’s substantial portion of population.

So in 2015 the newly minted Lithuanian district of Rotory International 1462 sent resolution to Lithuanian president informing her about their intentions to start a war against suicide on Lithuanian territory. On the left of the poster is the “psycho-logistics”. The president of new Lithuanian district was the guy from “my” town. He is in the photo standing to right side of the poster, I think he celebrates movember year round and it’s not visible in the photo for “normal” vision, he wears a ponytail, like Steven Segal, maybe he is recluse and doesn’t like visiting barber shops, maybe he is a biker, rocker and similar “bad boy” nonsense. All those bad boys don’t have a single bad bone in their bodies. It’s mind over matter. Maybe it’s offers from dykes on bikes, they can be very persuasive. Today (june 11th) in the early in the morning I see my fair lady dressed in bikers jacket and carrying what looks like a motorcycle helmet in a plastic bag. I don’t think she came back to live as she wasn’t exactly living here. Not because of missing luxury or fancy stuff, on the contrary I think her living arrangements were quite spartan and thats the luxury, just because it’s all that was needed, just enough. I think they started selling and giving away furniture, stuff, etc. But maybe it’s preparation for renovations. It’s only possible to be unintelligent if it’s something that is none of your business.. As far as “thyself” and related methods nothing changed on my part. I still look up to her as closest human being I’ve ever met, even with all those painful “stings” where it doesn’t really matter what I think – i don’t know anything about her “life” of others that she is “living”. It’s not like I’m trying to find out something about it by go ogle, come and see, having her under surveillance of “my” attention, etc.. It’s not like I need more “food” for thought about hooks, baits, sinkers and fat cat ladies singing, on the contrary – I don’t care about any of that. It’s her “duties” and “obligations” compartmentalized as her “life” that is just a pixel of bigger picture – so called image of god aka society. It’s her first things first. And she appears to have her hands full and tied. My strange behavior is more related to return to “innocence” methods where babies wait glued next to window for the only caretakers they know and I’m not talking about her as savior, caretaker or guardian, solution to “my” problems, etc.. That would be delusional assumption on my part. In my convoluted mind processes I think that it’s somehow needed, somehow it benefits, I wish her only the best even though i don’t think she is taking me with her. Maybe there it’s redundant if it’s already “taken”, maybe there is nothing left for “taking”, how can you take zero?, nobody is dummy here they are not comparing word “apple”, image of “apple” or anything else with real apple, etc..

This blog is not exactly a reflection of my, myself, thyself or anything. It’s more like a suitcase stuffed of worthless IOU’s in Dumb and Dumber, where they were transcribing their mision by using priceless currency of “words” whatever seemed as valuable to dumb them, by using your definitions and pricing points to express what it takes to attain such ambitious goals of the mission. I don’t think she was riding that mini bike. Not last summer, not now. She is not dumb by any means. One of the options that I was thinking last year when I noticed her wearing this leather jacket, that she might be forced to be moving out, that her “husband” might be kicking her out and she is moving somewhere in “burbs” and looking for some sort of mode of transportation eg vespa, so she doesn’t have to ride teeny tiny bicicleta to school. Didn’t think that it might be burbs of Bangkok or Dubai, etc.. And it’s not a Stockholm syndrome as i’m not exactly held captive by “her” even if i might sound as if I’m captivated by “her”. It’s not exactly Taco-Flavored Kisses of Fat Butt and Pancake Head as there is no relationship or interaction with anyone whatsoever as there is no “me”. It’s more like “trading places” where it’s a very deceptive movie as it’s a depiction of waves by using the particles (bodies). If i’m zero there is nothing to trade, it’s a free lunch, where world trading is performed outside the world, in a virtual manner, “they” can actually walk in your shoes, but “they” can remain “them”, so there is no need for “cooperation” for resolving any dilemmas or imprisonments, it’s all games riding the slaves. Outside the perimeter of this “phenomena” explored in this blog there is nothing in real world to reflect or tie me with any of her existence. That is why i’m using word “they” not “her”. I have no idea. She can be trapped in very similar situation where she would expect me to “dance” as equal, in enchantment under the sea, but it’s more like a Tea at the Treedome, without anything. There is of course a possibility that she is oblivious bystander that is used as pawn in these cruel games. Unlikely an oblivious, it’s me who is oblivious and shouldn’t be judging anything or using such words. If i don’t know anything my perspective is very skewed, i’m dangerous to myself and others as I’m unable to “predict” something obvious to everyone, incorporate anything, but for most part zeros as variables into my decision making. If I try to be like roman I have to borrow something unique but treating it as generic. That is mistake of such “replicants”. So it’s not so much being afraid to make mistakes or scared of changes. Nothing of this sort. It just obvious that people have advanced and live their lives where they are part of the “system”, not trying to understand the “system”. Like all inclusive hotel resort or cruise ship. There are no natives or locals in such places. Don’t try thinking too much about time travel. It’s some sort of cruel joke about your advancement and intellectual development in relation with the society and civilization at large. Something like that movie “god must be crazy”. So what that coke or pepsi doesn’t surprise you, but it doesn’t mean you’re more advanced and knowledgeable than cavemen when it comes to manufacturing the bottle of coke. So if someone comes from London they are probably traveling from the future in terms of your location. What if someone is coming to visit you from NASA. They are probably thousands of years ahead of you, but it all depends, i’m sure there are plenty of freeriders in NASA. I can’t actually walk in “their” shoes as i’m blind, hooded, featherless, something is zero, etc.. It’s not because “life” is unfair. It’s about mathematics of “first things first”. I’m still stuck on zero. I had few glimpses, but not of walking, more like “working”. There was nothing given or provided for me here that wouldn’t count as worthless in her system of “first things first”. Maybe it’s business as usual where i’m some sort of dumbest basketcase, who due to fortunate or unfortunate circumstances managed to experience a bit of some sort of “awakening” and connect a few dots with their beautiful mind.

Besides once in final destination of Aspen, Colorado the porters of suitcase used the contents of the suitcase to buy themselves a Lamborghini Diablo, so they could more efficiently transport the suitcase and the contents of it. Now try to think about it as a “hint” of something unobvious where their generated IOU’s for some reason were just like cash they were spending where they can use IOU’s as cash, meaning the cash should be all there. I used to “interrogate” my so called “parents” last summer about some sort of “dowry” that I should be entitled to that i came with, etc., but no avail. If someone found me as a baby in a basket and gave them for “raising” there should be a basket, there should be “them”, maybe a “note”, etc… Even if it’s a few simple words providing me with perspective about “my” situation as not “me” and my parents not “parents”. Giving some insight into their otherwise unforgivable, nonredeemable “behavior”. The knowledge about artificial status of these social bonds, based only on my belief in it aka my delusion that they are parents, family, etc.. where I never really believed in any of that, I was only acting like it’s customary for all romans to act and behave, even “belief” part which is nothing, not even simulation or duty. She was warned on multiple occasions that “neturėtų likti net prie suskilusios geldos” it’s hard to translate in english as it’s from that fairy tale about fisherman, magic goldfish and greedy wife. If they are back where they started with nothing they still get to keep “experiences”, memories, etc.. they’re still a house that wins, since if I had nothing they already had everything.

What becomes especially nasty about this program is once you start reading into their yellow brick pavement soaked with good intentions. They are reusing security templates that already exists eg first responders creating analogous service where they train the people to “recognize” signs of suicide and deal with a risk of it. Their plan was to train 150 people in this town. Roughly one suicide specialist for 100 residents. So if go to the supermarket to buy yourself a carton of milk there is good chance that you will meet attention of “suicide” detection specialist or two or three. But I see as far as june of 2022 they still have ads for public about “training” having those “free lunch” seminars. The notion that the past is reflection of the future, the suicide statistics is like some sort of crop that they sow and reap. Way more chances of winning bets and gambling by using real or doctored statistics and orwelled history than that Grays Sports Almanac: Complete Sports Statistics 1950-2000. It’s a grim way of putting it, but there is no other way to put it. Maybe there is a another way or two or even more ways of putting it where they are only reporting about work they performed, actually taking a credit for something, but in inverted manner. Since Lithuania joined EU and NATO in 2004 the changes weren’t so drastic in comparison to the changes when Lithuania as one of the Demark districts of Rotory International gained independence as separate district in 2014. It coincided with that real estate project that they finished – the palace of rulers, that they setup as their headquarters. This palace serves as very important MAGA instrument where they are “restoring” the glory of their orwelled history, where according to them The Grand Duchy of Lithuania was a very powerful European state that existed from the 13th century to 1795, meaning it’s a good chance that according to brave new world it was Lithuania that “discovered” America and it it was Lithuania that setup USA, etc.. So without further adieu they right away in 2014 started developing brexit, maidan, digging hole in EU where UKrain will replace UK. Anyhow they improved infrastructure, absorbed lots of EU funds, moved lots of international military force, all kinds of exchange and replacement programs, “returning” immigrants, refugees, political asylum seekers, expats, colonizers, etc, etc.. So obviously all those “changes” as a whole should make suicide less likely options as the territory is “occupied” by entirely “new” people with entirely different occupations, mindset, options, citizenships, nationalities, languages, etc.., but for the targeted group of still “majority” at least on paper of “suiciduanians” the risk of suicide will increase accordingly, their occupation is no longer recognized, they are thrown into the street, the home they are occupying will start treating you as if you’re occupier, there is no arbait for you to free youfrom death, etc.. Even if the new groups brought in by missionaries are targeted with suicides such event probably is not exactly reflected in official statistics in the same way as suicides of “locals” and “natives”. The new brave new world system is setup more like Las Vegas. For this minority group of suicidologians and Rotarians as they refer to themselves suicide is something out of the question, right?

So such “initiatives” is not only based on various paradoxes and conundrums eg chicken or egg, it’s like golden fleece, like goose laying golden eggs, like a golden calf. They can mark anyone at suicide risk and as long as one marked for death don’t kill themselves they are “winning” the battle, just by doing the marking. They can mark babies in delivery room at risk of suicides and celebrate every new day as victory of their hard work preventing another suicide, where baby is in debt to them with their life. You think it’s nonsense? Think of this strange phenomena that is very similar to suicides, but it happens to infants and it is called SIDS. How do you know such information operation wasn’t about suicides where baby realizes they were born in wrong place at the wrong time? It is similar to information operation about premature babies they performing in Lithuania

Similar story with coordinator of the project for this town. His name sounds like some sort of minority report, just like the concept of the project. But if you listen to him speak, he does speak Lithuanian, but in a strange way in delivery of language, as if he is reading internal teleprompter, talking in “blocks”, like often “leaders” and politicians do on tv. He is probably one of the so called “azeris“, they claim they are minority community in Lithuania, about the same size group as rotarians who use this label as if they are some sort of unrecognized nationality trapped in unrecognized occupation. I mentioned in a post about carnies that I’m practically related to “azeris” as my “sister” married to a guy who’s cousin in law is azeri. I spent a lot of time with his azeri father, he was very smart, social, but he mentioned something strange that he can never go back to his country. His PR professional son wasn’t exactly treating me as relative, not while at work, not outside of work. Very cold, distant, formal, calculated. But can’t blame if he didn’t know whole picture. He was polite, cordial, “noble”, etc.. They had this very unique surname that shared with richest man in Lithuania. Some sort of lukoil guy. Didn’t want anything to do with me more than it’s required to “business” which as far as my role was very little. But you can’t judge anything by the covers of the book or covers of the agents of whatever powers to be they might be representing. But you can tell just by looking at his posture that this “azeri” just like many others are somehow skilled in martial arts and wrestling and similar disciplines. Just like my “azeri” relative the master of judo. So you don’t need to grow up in the mountains in order to attain the strenght of the mountain men. Just enroll in the “right” nest aka dojo. It’s possible that he is more “lithuanian” than entire staff of suicidology center combined, many of them sport “lithuanian” sounding names, but they sound like rattling of moon rocks, which is very good chance is similar “joke” as this project. What is strange about this “clinical psychologist” that he pretends that he doesn’t understand that his doctorate dissertation about suicides doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t make him qualified to present himself as expert in this “field” that exists only in statistics, to deal with the subject in the “field” or teach about it as if it’s a “field”. He has to show something real. He is trying to understand “phenomena” by using framing methods of market research, public opinion polling, canned questions canned answers, etc.. He is looking at people who tried suicide as “opinion” about it where it was “served” to the client as a service, they experienced it, tt. Something like making recording and experiencing the the emotions and distress of people trapped in burning WTC towers before they jumped to their deaths.

Think of movie “Strange Days“, “Brainstorm“, etc..  only there is no need for any gadgets in order for experiences to be delivered for the target, unless it is used as deceptive “aid” that aids in creating illusion for wearer or maybe even the audience. I speculate that it’s utilized where it somewhat visible, think about thriller or suspense movies where they “create” atmosphere making you squirm on the edge of your seat. For example amish are interesting not because they are primitive, but because they chose to be “primitive” not so much by conviction or faith, but by choice and they were “left” to themselves, to their own devices. Nobody is bothering them trying to “integrate” them or their brood into the “modern” society. On the contrary they are growing and multiplying, successfully competing with the might of superpower.. Think even of real VR gadgets as decoy. So in this respect if speculating about “all seeing eye” logging, the 9/11 no matter if inside job, allowed it to happen or faked psyop from start to finish – it was still a goldmine if talking about “never forget” aspect of it, where they’re using experiences of the victims as targeting weapon against you. So the important thing here that expert of suicide “knows” something in such way where he claims “uber alles” status where he is above suicide, because he is the one in charge or the weaponry of suicidology. So you can’t use snake poison against the snake, unless you collect so much of it that you can literally drown the snake in it and you would still be missing the point about waves concentrating on the particles. Not so much that it is “immune” to the poison it’s about the vision of it. For you it’s poisonous because it’s anonymized, something taken out of context, you’re experiencing only portion of it overlaying it with your situation, probably delivered as part of “helping” hand, as valid “option”, something “interesting” to occupy the mind, something paved with good intentions eg researching methods of suicide – why can’t you be knowledgeable about it, etc.. How come this azeri psycho-logistics guy can think about suicide 24/7 and get paid for doing it, but for you it’s some sort of taboo as if you’re not man or not woman enough to handle such “thoughts”? The point is that he is not thinking about, just like a flying bird is not thinking about flying. The little chick in the nest also doesn’t need to think about flying before they are ready – it’s is dangerous thoughts. Since for you it is delivered in some very deceptive way where you think that it’s authentic and yours, you identify with it, like videos of people who are wearing VR goggles start being immersed in the “new world” making physical moves in it, jumping, destroying things around, etc.. So that is what they mean by “having suicidal thoughts”. They can deliver full blown suicidal experiences to you, but it’s only your “own” thoughts that count. So it’s about abuse of power, the security layer of society, where people as society lived in some sort of “shared” cognitive space. They don’t share. You only get crumbs from their table. The dissertation is not a serious work about trying to understand, but selling something that is already “understood”.

One way to look at the suicide phenomena in Lithuania is through the prism of unrecognized occupation, where after restoration of independence in a territory of unrecognized occupation, they started pruning those who they didn’t recognize as worthy being independent from USSR. It’s not so much worthy of being “true” Lithuanians, it’s not so much about “true” nationalism, but about something that is not so obvious where they use “generic” descriptors that transcend time, space, language, history, etc.. where you don’t even understand what does it mean to be a “citizen” of a “country”, “national” of a “nation”, mind over matter. They are asking you to give them liberty or death, which is not a question with multiple choice answers. Those who understand what it means were “true” citizens even while deserted for 40 years while wading red sea of USSR. They never became independent from not being a “citizen”. So soviet Lithuania being fake country, fake nation was like a ripe, juicy apple, one of the fruits on this fruitcake tree of USSR, maybe a nestle basket woven with a fruit of the loom in mind. So it’s another problem with etymology of this expression “suicide” as in Lithuanian language it literally means not killed by own hands, but “killed by own folks” savi + žudybė. It’s more related to idea of fragging. Another problem with this expression is how it relates to competency and fitness to stand trial as it uses the same word “savo”. If you don’t know what is your name, your identity, etc.. how can you kill yourself if you’re not alive to begin with? If your life is kept secret from you? It’s like a peepshow for snowman, where they show you soap opera performed by carrots implying that carrot is something that snowman needs in order to be true snowman. If you want to find out who you’re and why are you alive you have to keep on “living”. If Soviet Lithuania was a fake country, the newly established “independent” Lithuania wasn’t exactly a real country as by design the population was “fake”, folks who didn’t even understand that they are not real. They understood that they are being lied to, that nothing really changed, but hey what can you do? So if suicide victim is unable to understand most basic concepts about themselves and their place in this world maybe it’s not exactly a suicide. But according to “new world” folks the “old world” folks are not even folks.

So think about “suicide” poison by using bird nest as metaphor. For adult healthy bird the “suicide” poison is not dangerous. They throw themselves out of the nest 100 times per day. Weather and environment permitting they don’t need a nest or shelter, once they learned how to fly considering they have other prerequisites required for flight eg vision, spatial orientation, have enough feathers, that US (not USA) americans who are natives anywhere they land took for their crowns, no hood over the head like those “domesticated” birds of pray used for hunting in azeri and similar mountainous places, etc.. It bugs me when I sense that people are somehow are capable of seeing through window and daylight curtain when looking from outside even those wearing glasses eg my fair lady. Either something is wrong with the prescription of my glasses or vision in general. Then trying to understand walking in other shoes think also about boxers who somehow “see” or “sense” what the opponent sees when they are moving their head. Boxing is already some sort of field of security. It’s something very “advanced” in england, ireland, etc.. where it’s not unreasonable to expect that most common blokes and farmhands would be skilled boxers. So think about suicides in similar fashion try equating hood over the head of such bird and those hoods placed on all those hooded and orange dressed detainees in wake of 9/11. But “flight” is dangerous even for baby of cuckoos bird or other brood “parasite“. It’s not a parasite if adult birds nurture the new generation as part of the planned economy of mother nature.

They were showing and telling some sort of allegory about the world “trade”, where you’re living and sustaining yourself “on” a prayer of nothing. But they had already send signal in 1992 with “grateful dead” t-shirts on Lithuanian national basketball team warning about something so horrible where you would be grateful for death it will seem like a salvation, as you’re so used to having goals, aims, purpose, options, choices, etc in life such non option will be offered for consideration as viable option for mind to consider and ponder about, because mind is  a product of society, social order, etc.. so if everything happens for a reason it means some sort of negotiation protocols where “greater power” is trying to come to mutually assured destruction of your “understanding” not so much about yourself but about itself. Even if it uses templates and rehashed “methods” it will look like an “option” as it’s allows to “participate” in the grand scheme of it as equal, creator of your life even if it’s an end of it, finally you’re a snake allowed to have a taste of yourself – the tail, etc.. Imagine never having any option, never having any choice and now you have one, not only that you will have a glimpse into “thinking” patterns where everything suddenly effortless and easy, everything finally solves itself unless you start “thinking” as you, etc.. It’s like another carrot being dangled in front of snowman, “confirming” your snowman status, who as melted puddle can’t even hold to the carrot even if it’s real carrot given to him. You will realize that it’s not so easy to accomplish something like that, with every “method” will be all kinds of obstacles and obstructions, real and imaginary, where you are given formula, but variables of your situation and environment in reality are very different. Where you’re assuming and confusing particles (body) with waves (ego). They are talking about oranges, you’re thinking about tasting forbidden fruit of apples. But it’s a very slippery slope where they are integrating concept of killing yourself into normal day to day, casual, environment and thinking as if it’s you “understand” like having a glass of water or going to take a leak, where you don’t have a slightest idea what it means, what “they” have in mind, etc.. and after suddenly it stops it inverted effect as it feels as if you missing out on “it” as if it was a “good” thing, where your mind is “conditioned” towards it. It’s about your ideas, your comprehension, etc. Entanglement in various distorted thinking processes, feeling sorry for yourself, focusing on your ego as focal point, with false idea that “suicide” is a solution to problems, leading you into another honeypot trap, etc.. It’s a trap in such way where thanks to such faulty thinking you’re attaining the “solution” here and now in the sandbox of thinking, in process “attaining” comfortable numb anesthesia type solvent usable for solving any of your further problems, but not in the grand scheme of real time and space which doesn’t care one way or another, you found fools gold, fake light, etc. So it’s “real” and fake at the same time. It is very dangerous to “personal” security if it’s used “offensively” as it’s used to lubricate your resistance to things that otherwise you would know it’s something objectionable, questionable, unnecessary, meaningless, not needed for you, etc. in process using infant like “curiosity” for manufacturing behavior “patterns” that looks like real OCD, paranoia, schizophrenia, etc… So this authority of your “ego” would shrug all your doubts by pointing out that you’re on mutually assured suicide pact where you don’t matter, but here is something “interesting”. So you’re treated as chicken who already crossed the road, only by someone thinking it for you about it. It’s a solution to your “ego”, but it exists only as some sort or unattainable rainbow, that you can’t attain and use as concept for thinking unless you do it first. In other words you wouldn’t be thinking in such way if you didn’t have the “ego” that is the cause of your “thinking” problems, you’re unable to see and separate “your” ego from generic ego or someone elses “ego” that is used for you in hypothetical manner in your particular real world situation. I guess it’s  like another  mental straitjacket for mental patient who was only trying to escape all the other layers of similar straitjackets where he is waddled like marshmallow stay pufft man where their symptoms are infringing and interfering on everyones freedom and liberty. It’s not exactly designed to help you bring clarity into situation or put in perspective your smallness in comparison to the greatness of “god” of social order, it’s poured like down like deluge of inescapable sorrow, drowning in a sea of red.. It’s like depression due to some sort of red button from the nuclear options suitcase that is depressed and stuck. And as with “downs” the “ups” are used in similar fashion. And somehow such “artificial” method should serve as “disruption” of your natural thinking, where you wouldn’t be thinking about such things. So even if you manage to perform suicide it’s not exactly suicide where you can say “i did it my way”, you can’t take credit, there are no ways, only crossroads.. Like a insulin for diabetes patient. It’s an educational session. That is the vision of suicide prevention algorithms. And with this “civilization” so advanced it’s not exactly a suicide, it’s more like a concept of “exit” as used in investment, startups, banking, etc… They are not recognizing your “occupation” as viable anymore, you’re occupying the space. They are exiting you. So what is being “exited” is it your personality, identity, body, soul, etc.. You can kill your body, but you can’t really kill your “identity” that as social construct belongs to the “state” will keep on living and giving as your “afterlife”.

So suicidology is something like porn industry, where the same pornography is not dangerous to “adults”, but very damaging to psyche of minors, being subjected to such carnal knowledge material is pedophilia, the carnal aspect is not so much knowledge of “phenomenon”, but definition of it turning it from phenomenon into something “generic”, “normal”, “acceptable”, etc. Thats how they are “reducing” the suicide, by using the same methods weapons of mass destruction trying to create impression that it’s dictatorship of proletariat by using parades, PR, wars and revolutions, where they are “legalizing” something that they themselves used to treat as criminal. There is no such thing as suicide. It doesn’t exists in human nature. Children or anyone are not born with such ideas in mind. They are born to be alive, to live.


this post not finished yet


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